The Dune trails in and around Berck
Berck-sur-Mer is located in a protected and preserved sand dune environment. Some laid-out trails allow visitors to discover this area, rich of a unique fauna and flora.
The Sentier dunaire de la Baie d’Authie, also known as the "Sentier des Garennes", is a 3.4km long loop that will lead you to a breath-taking viewpoint of the Bay and Berck lighthouse.
Marking : Green
Starting point : Baie d'Authie, parking des Sternes (Chemin aux Raisins)
Walk along the beach behind the Baie d'Authie lifeguard station (dunes side).
To the North of the resort, the recently laid-out Sentier de la Plaine will lead you to the observatory de la mare de l’Anse.
Marking : Green
Starting point: Parking Terminus
Go up Rue de la Station des Dunes alongside the campsite, then turn right at the crossroads.
- Discover our hiking trails on the Map of Adventures
- Discover the many trails around the Baie d'Authie on the Destination Baie d'Authie map
- Discover all the walks from the Authie Valley to the north of the Canche on the CA2BM website
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